This document outlines the privacy policy of the GNO Consortium List Server.
We (the GNO Consortium) take a dim view of spam and spend a significant amount of effort to reduce or eliminate it, not only for ourselves but those using our services. Consequently, email addresses are never sold, given, or otherwise provided to third parties except as otherwise described in this document.
While some policies are system wide, a certain amount of lattitude has been granted to the various mailing lists hosted by this server. Depending on the policy of the individual mailing list:
The existence of the mailing list may be advertised (or not). Advertised lists are generally more susceptible to email abuse (spam), although measures have been taken to minimize this effect.
While some lists hide the subscriber list from list members, other lists allow list members to see who else is on the list. No lists may expose their list members to the public in general. Note that the act of posting exposes the fact that you are on the list (there is no anonyminity).
Messages posted to a list may be archived. List archives are often only visible to members, but they may be publicly available as well. Email addresses appearing in archives should be munged to make it more difficult for spammers to harvest those addresses.
Additional aspects of our privacy policy are:
Abuse of the system or its content will not be tolerated, and will result in the abuser being banned from the service. If there appear to be violations of the Criminal Code of Canada, the appropriate authorities will be contacted.
We log email traffic for the purpose of monitoring service availability, diagnostics, and auditing, including but not necessarily limited to IP addresses, sender and recipient email addresses, and subject lines. This information is for internal use only.
If we are contacted by recognised legal authorities of appropriate jurisdiction regarding users of this system, we will provide such information as is required by law.
If you find anything regarding this site which seems to be contrary to the above policy, or if you have questions regarding this policy, please contact mailman at